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Mental health
You have access to mental health network providers that can treat anxiety, depression, addiction, and much more. This includes conditions that require intensive outpatient care or admission to a hospital or residential treatment center.
Find a mental health provider by:
  • Visiting the Find a Doctor tool for your plan
  • On the Find a Doctor tool, select MENTAL HEALTH
  • On the provider search page, select BSC MHSA as your "Benefit Plan" and Non-Medicare Provider under the "Provider List" drop down selection.
  • Enter your location details, and select provider type, specialty, gender, ages treated, and any other criteria that are important to you. Then, select Search.
Teladoc mental health services
Get support from mental health professionals no matter where you are with Teladoc
As a Blue Shield member, you can speak to licensed therapists, psychiatrists, and mental health professionals who can help you manage addiction, depression, stress or anxiety, domestic abuse, grief, and more (available for members 13YO+). In response to COVID-19, Blue Shield is providing access to Teladoc medical and behavioral health services for a $0 copay through 2021.

To schedule an appointment, visit to register or log in and answer a few questions about your needs. Then, request an appointment. Please note that mental health appointments must be scheduled in advance. Mental health appointments are available from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. local time, seven days a week.

If you have questions or need help creating an account call 1-800-Teladoc (835-2362). Wait times may vary.
Please note: Teladoc and telehealth behavioral services are not appropriate for all conditions. If you’re in crisis or have suicidal thoughts, seek help immediately. Please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).