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Trio HMO plan
To search by primary care physician (PCP) by doctor name, select Primary Care Physician. Then input the location. Click on Doctor Name and enter your doctor’s last name. You may need your selected PCP’s ID number and medical group/Independent Practice Association (IPA) number when you enroll in an HMO plan for the first time. To find this number, search for your doctor using our Find a Doctor tool. Then, click on your doctor’s name and select View details under Primary Care Physician ID.

To search for a doctor by specialty, select Doctors and then enter your location. Then, select the specialty type you are searching for.
Access+ HMO plan
To search by primary care physician (PCP) by doctor name, select Primary Care Physician. Then input the location. Click on Doctor Name and enter your doctor’s last name. You may need your selected PCP’s ID number and medical group/Independent Practice Association (IPA) number when you enroll in an HMO plan for the first time. To find this number, search for your doctor using our Find a Doctor tool. Then, click on your doctor’s name and select View details under Primary Care Physician ID.

To search for a doctor by specialty, select Doctors and then enter your location. Then, select the specialty type you are searching for.
Shield Spectrum PPO
A PPO plan lets you continue seeing your current doctor for most covered services even if your doctor isn't part of Blue Shield's extensive network. Keep in mind that you if you seek care from a physician that is not part of the Blue Shield PPO network, you will pay more for each visit.
Our virtual assistant is available to help you find a provider.

Do you need your primary care physician's (PCP's) ID number? Once you find your PCP, select the More info button.
Need a doctor's medical group number or mental health provider?
If you need your selected primary care physician’s (PCP) ID number or medical group/Independent Practice Association number, you can use our Find a Doctor tool. Click on the link below. Once you find your doctor, click on the doctor’s name and select View details under "Primary Care Physician ID."

Trio HMO
Access+ HMO
Shield Spectrum PPO