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Plan comparison

For complete benefit details, refer to the plan's Summary of Benefits and Summary of Benefits and Coverage by returning to the homepage and reviewing "Your 2024 health plan resources."

Compare your benefit choices
Plan details HMO Access+ Local Access+ PPO
In-network In-network In-network Non-network
Calendar-year deductible Individual: $750/ Family: $1,500 Individual: $750/ Family: $1,500
Medical out-of-pocket maximum Individual: $2,000 / Family: $4,000 Individual: $1,500 / Family: $3,000 Individual: $2,500 / Family: $5,000 Individual: $4,500 / Family: $9,000
Hospital services
Primary care physician $15/visit $15/visit $30/visit 30%
Specialist care office visit $25/visit (referred by primary care physician) $20/visit (referred by primary care physician) $50/visit 30%
Preventive health exam $0 $0 $0 30%
Outpatient x-ray, pathology and laboratory $0 $0 10% 30%
Outpatient surgery in hospital $200/surgery $100/surgery 10% 30% - subject to a benefit maximum of $350/day
Inpatient facility services $400/admission $200/admission 10% 30% - subject to a benefit maximum of $600/day
Virtual services
Teladoc (virtual medical doctor visits) $0 $0 $0 Not covered
Teladoc (mental health professional video or phone consultation) $0 $0 $0 Not covered
Emergency care
Urgent care center $15/visit $15/visit $30/visit 30%
Emergency room services $100/visit $100/visit $150/visit plus 10% $150/visit plus 10%
Ambulance services $100/transport $100/transport 10% 10%
Specialty services
Pregnancy and maternity care $15/visit $15/visit $30/visit 30%
Infertility testing and treatment Not covered Not covered Not covered Not covered
Acupuncture services $10/visit (up to 30 visits per member, per calendar year. $10/visit (up to 30 visits per member, per calendar year) 10% (up to 12 visits per member, per calendar year) 30% (up to 12 visits per member, per calendar year)
Chiropractic services $10/visit (up to 30 visits per member, per calendar year) $10/visit (up to 30 visits per member, per calendar year) 10% (up to 24 visits per member, per calendar year) 30% (up to 24 visits per member, per calendar year)
Mental health office visit $15/visit $15/visit $30/visit 30%
Mental health inpatient services $400/admission $200/admission 10% 30% - subject to a benefit maximum of $600/day
Substance abuse (inpatient/outpatient) IP $400/admission / OP $15/visit IP $200/admission / OP $15/visit 10% 30% - subject to a benefit maximum of $600/day
Pharmacy benefits
Retail prescription (30-day supply)
Contraceptive drugs and devices $0 $0 $0 Applicable Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 copayment
Formulary generic drugs $10/prescription $5/prescription $10/prescription 25% plus $10/prescription
Formulary brand-name   drugs $30/prescription $20/prescription $40/prescription 25% plus $40/prescription
Non-formulary brand-name drug $50/prescription $35/prescription $60/prescription 25% plus $60/prescription
Mail-service prescriptions (up to 90-day supply)
Contraceptive drugs and devices $0 $0 $0 Not covered
Formulary generic drugs $20/prescription $10/prescription $20/prescription Not covered
Formulary brand-name drugs $60/prescription $40/prescription $80/prescription Not covered
Non-formulary brand-name drug $100/prescription $70/prescription $120/prescription Not covered